Make a Memorial Gift

Make a gift in memory or in honor of…

When you donate to us, you can choose to make a gift in memory of someone who has passed or to express sympathy to their family. You can also make a gift in honor of someone to celebrate a special occasion, recognize an achievement, or honor a health care hero who cared for your loved one.

What is a Memorial Gift?

A memorial gift is a way to honor the memory of a relative, friend, or loved one. It can also mark a special occasion like a birthday, wedding or anniversary. There are many ways to make a memorial gift to MJHS Health System through our Foundation:

  • Start a Memorial Fund: A memorial fund is a charitable fund established to accept donations in memory of, or in honor of, a loved one who has passed. It is a personal way to honor their legacy while having a meaningful impact on the care we provide. Most people create a memorial fund to raise money for a cause that is important to their loved one or personal to them.
  • Engrave A Name On Our Tree of Life: Memorial gifts can also take the “physical” form by engraving our Tree of Life or inscribing a rock. This will create a personal and long-lasting tribute while supporting the compassionate care MJHS provides.
  • Remembrance Through Prayers: If you observe customs associated with mourning and memorializing a loved one through prayer and reflection, we also offer Jewish Memorial Prayers. Our Rabbis are available to offer Kaddish, Yahrzeit, and other memorial prayers to help observe Jewish customs associated with mourning and memorializing your loved one. 

To get more ideas about honoring your loved one’s legacy, read our Guide to Meaningful Memorial Funds or contact us, and we will be happy to guide you through the process.

We know that everyone has their own way of dealing with loss and we are here to support you every step of the way. If you need additional support and education you can also reach out to our Bereavement department and join one of our support groups.

Start a Memorial Fund

    Browse the Different Ways You Can Make a Memorial Gift

    Mass Intention

    Our MJHS Catholic priests are available to remember your deceased loved one during a Catholic mass and on All Souls Day.

    Jewish Memorial Prayers

    Our MJHS Rabbis are available to help observe customs associated with mourning and memorializing a loved one.

    Circle of Caring

    Honor a health care worker that made a difference in the care you or your loved one received.

    Tree of Life

    Inscribe the name of a loved one or caregiver on our memorial Tree of Life as a lasting way to honor their life and legacy.