Older couple hugging and smiling in their living room


Supporting Families in Need

Meet Mary and John.

Soon after Mary started receiving care from MJHS Hospice, she began having difficulties with even the simplest tasks of daily life, like getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. Her spouse had been diagnosed with a debilitating illness and was unable to help her given his own deteriorating health. Mary’s son John visited as often as he could to care for her, but with a young family at home, was unable to stay overnight.

John shared with the MJHS Hospice social worker that his mom has stopped eating and drinking at night for the fear of needing to use the bathroom. She was getting weaker, and he was worried. Our social worker immediately turned to the MJHS Golden Family STAR (Supportive Treatment and Resources) Program to provide additional Home Health Aide hours in the evenings.

Supported solely by MJHS donors like you, the STAR Program was created to help families in crisis with limited resources.

Please consider making a gift today so we can continue to go above and beyond for our patients and families in need.

*Details have been changed to protect privacy.

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Finding Love And Leaving A Legacy

Raymond struggled knowing he was going to lose the love of his life, Annette. Our care team was able to help them cherish their remaining time together, that is why Raymond is giving back. Read their story.

Honoring a Patient’s Wish

Joe was in an endless cycle of emergency room visits with no one at home to help care for him. His MJHS Hospice care team was concerned about his safety but wanted to honor his wish to remain living in his own home. Read his story.

“Every single day I thank MJHS doctors, nurses, social workers, as well as the chaplain and music therapist for their compassion, care and being our life saver.”

— Carmen Abruzzo